Tuesday, October 17, 2006

more food

This is the waffle snack we had in one of the SOGO shopping centre, in a cafe near the food court. The food court is Taiwan are very pretty, neat. Most of them look better than the ones in Singapore. The have many cusines such as Korean, Japan and their local delights. Korean food are much popular there than here, in Singapore. The green one is green tea flavour, the red is red bean. Im not sure what is the cream there ( yellowish) if im not wrong is macademia nut thingy.. not bad, nice to see, and just NOT bad to eat.. our waffle town is better. A better view of the place. That cap, is 1 of my fav gotten it there.

Half way eaten Lor ba Peng with cold tou hua, i prefer out rochor tau hua, but i must say their rice is Fantastic everywhere.


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